Wedding Plans: DIY Martha Stewart style


So summer is in full swing! Bring on the heat! lol I am just full of stress lately as I juggle work (a coworker just a had a baby! yay!) home renos and wedding planning in one shot, with fiancé’s help of course!  I am lacking sleep as endless tasks run around in my head lol.  One of the things fiancé and I did this weekend finally, was go to Michael’s to grab my substitute all over puncher from Martha Stewart that we agreed was slightly more cost efficient than the cricut at this moment (I am crying on the inside lol).  Above is the result of my pattern hole punching experiment! Continue reading “Wedding Plans: DIY Martha Stewart style”

Wedding Plans: decor on a budget

Apologies for the bombardment of wedding posts, I am trying to compile everything from planning a wedding to house renos and blogging on top of working–I am just all over the place! lol.  I do enjoying having things to plan but I think it’s all just coming to a head too fast!

courtesy of

Anyways, our wedding is on a tight budget because there are other priorities that take a front seat to a wedding, even though i’d still like to make it a great wedding Continue reading “Wedding Plans: decor on a budget”