
source: http://www.style.com/slideshows/fashion-shows/resort-2013/alexander-mcqueen/collection/18


Bonjour All!  Happy Hump Day!

I was perusing Pinterest (as usual) and found this pic from Alexander McQueen Resort 2013 Collection.  I am loving the high-waist pants at the moment, it elongates your legs (on the con side, it can shorten your torso too…)  Continue reading “High-Waisted”

Health and Fitness: Tea drinking


In my quest to a better me and a healthier lifestyle, I have been trying new things that I hope to continue helping me to lose weight safely…I am by no means a quick-fix type of girl, but when I saw this article in yahoo this morning I couldn’t help but want to try it.

Continue reading “Health and Fitness: Tea drinking”

Weekend Recap: Final Fittings, Valentines and Brunch

To say that my weekends get busy is an understatement these days lol…It’s been ramping up the last month for the house reno nearing its end and the wedding that I’ve barely had time to catch my breath.  Even days off aren’t really days off anymore, but we’re just so excited for what’s to come!

Continue reading “Weekend Recap: Final Fittings, Valentines and Brunch”

BeFit: New Year, new me!



As always, I am trailing far behind on turning a new leaf this year. I’ve never been one to be an early bird, and this is no exception –exercising and getting fit! I’ve always seen the effort to get fit as an unnecessary evil, that is up until I got engaged and the wedding day started to get closer!

Continue reading “BeFit: New Year, new me!”